2014年3月7日 星期五

《勵志》Ellen Page: 我站出來,因為我或許能造成改變,在座的各位,只要團結起來就能比單軍奮鬥來得更多。 (中文字幕)

【Ellen Page: 我站出來,因為我或許能造成改變,在座的各位,只要團結起來就能比單軍奮鬥來得更多。 (中文字幕)】



非常動人的出櫃演講,花了一個晚上做字幕檔 與大家分享這份感動 -------------------------------------- Ellen Page演說內容中英對照: 感謝Chad的盛情介紹,更感謝你與人權運動基金會的貢獻,尤其能代表國內外的年輕同性 戀、雙性戀及跨性別發聲,非常榮幸能在茁壯時刻的成立大會致詞。 Thank you Chad, for those kind words and for the even kinder work that you and the Human Rights Campaign Foundation do every day—especially on behalf of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young people here and across America. 但同時,這也有點奇怪。我在這,為自己打從心底深深欽佩的組織發聲,圍繞我的是一生 致力於改善他人生活的群體──大幅的改善;在座的各位,有些人教導青年,像我這樣的 青年;有些人為青年療治心理的創傷,幫助他們找回自己;有些人聆聽,有些人實際行動 ,有些人甚至自己也是青年,這讓我這樣的人站在台上演講變得更加奇怪。 It’s such an honor to be here at the inaugural Time to THRIVE conference. But it’s a little weird, too. Here I am, in this room because of an organization whose work I deeply admire. And I’m surrounded by people who make it their life’s work to make other people’s lives better— profoundly better. Some of you teach young people—people like me. Some of you help young people heal and to find their voice. Some of you listen. Some of you take action. Some of you are young people yourselves…in which case, it’s even weirder for a person like me to be speaking to you. 怎麼說呢,因為我,一個演員,至少在某種意義上代表著,一個毀壞你我對於所有事物標 準的產業──不僅限於青年,而是所有的人──美醜的標準、完美人生的標準、成功的標 準。我必須承認,這些想法已經影響了我,那些過去不曾存在的想法已經植入了你我的心 中,它告訴你要如何應對、如何穿著、要成為怎樣的人。我一直嘗試保持自我,讓自己維 持屬於自己的真實一面,遵循自己的心,但這並不容易。 It’s weird because here I am, an actress, representing—at least in some sense—an industry that places crushing standards on all of us. Not just young people, but everyone. Standards of beauty. Of a good life. Of success. Standards that, I hate to admit, have affected me. You have ideas planted in your head, thoughts you never had before, that tell you how you have to act, how you have to dress and who you have to be. I have been trying to push back, to be authentic, to follow my heart, but it can be hard. 但這就是我在台上的原因,在坐的你們,我們全部,只要團結起來能做的比單獨奮鬥來得 更多,我希望這樣的想法能支持住你、就像它支持住我這樣,我希望之後幾天的研討會能 帶給你們力量,但我能想像有的時候,當你工作的時間長過你老闆以為的,多過老闆在乎 的,只為了幫助那些你認為可以度過難關的孩子,你們感到全然的孤獨、猶豫不決、或龐 然無助。 But that’s why I’m here. In this room, all of you, all of us, can do so much more together than any one person can do alone. And I hope that thought bolsters you as much as it does me. I hope the workshops you’ll go to over the next few days give you strength. Because I can only imagine that there are days—when you’ve worked longer hours than your boss realizes or cares about, just to help a kid you know can make it. Days where you feel completely alone. Undermined. Or hopeless. 我知道在座的朋友有人每天去學校,無緣由的遭到非人的對待,或者你們回家、卻無法與 家人分享真正的自己,看到別人的例子,你甚至擔心起自己的未來,擔心這對於你就學、 工作、甚至個人安全的影響,想像著自己人生可能的際遇,可能遇到的挫折,一點一點的 侵蝕著你的堅強,它是種毒藥、讓我們痛苦、遭受非常不公的對待。 I know there are people in this room who go to school every day and get treated like shit for no reason. Or you go home and you feel like you can’t tell your parents the whole truth about yourself. Beyond putting yourself in one box or another, you worry about the future. About college or work or even your physical safety. Trying to create that mental picture of your life—of what on earth is going to happen to you—can crush you a little bit every day. It is toxic and painful and deeply unfair. 有時正是一些微小、不重要的小事撕毀了你我,如同其他人、我試著忽略那些八卦報導, 但有天一網站刊登了張我穿著運動褲去體育館的照片,問道:「為什麼這位嬌小的正妹堅 持穿得像個老粗男一樣?」 Sometimes it’s the little, insignificant stuff that can tear you down. I try not to read gossip as a rule, but the other day a website ran an article with a picture of me wearing sweatpants on the way to the gym. The writer asked, “ Why does [this] petite beauty insist upon dressing like a massive man?” 因為我想要穿得舒服點啊!對於男女,社會有種制式的模板,告訴我們該有的行為舉止、 穿著及談吐,這個模板沒有立場,但只要偏離所謂的「常態」,就會受到大眾的閒言閒語 、並放大檢視,LGBT太了解這樣的生態了。 Because I like to be comfortable. There are pervasive stereotypes about masculinity and femininity that define how we are all supposed to act, dress and speak. They serve no one. Anyone who defies these so-called ‘norms’ becomes worthy of comment and scrutiny. The LGBT community knows this all too well. 即使如此,你我周圍還是有人敢挺身而出,美式足球英雄Michael Sam、演員Laverne Cox 、歌手Tegan與Sara Quinn,還有在兒女出櫃後依然支持他們的家庭;在座也增添了這份 勇氣,所有在座的各位。 Yet there is courage all around us. The football hero, Michael Sam. The actress, Laverne Cox. The musicians Tegan and Sara Quinn. The family that supports their daughter or son who has come out. And there is courage in this room. All of you. 我會到這裡,是因為在座來這都為了同樣的目標。 I’m inspired to be in this room because every single one of you is here for the same reason. 你們來到這,是因為你們將這個目標視為自己核心的驅動力:只要我們留心,不要對彼此 這麼殘酷,這個世界會變得更好。花個五分鐘發現彼此的美、而不是攻擊彼此的不同,這 不困難啊,會是個簡單且更好的生活態度,更重要的,這能拯救很多生命。 You’re here because you’ve adopted as a core motivation the simple fact that this world would be a whole lot better if we just made an effort to be less horrible to one another. If we took just 5 minutes to recognize each other’s beauty, instead of attacking each other for our differences. That’s not hard. It’s really an easier and better way to live. And ultimately, it saves lives. 但是,這也一點都不容易,甚至可能是最難的一件事,因為要先愛自己、接受自己才能愛 別人,我知道這對於很多人依然是一大課題。我也依靠著這份力量、這份支持,在許多你 想也想像不到的地方。 Then again, it’s not easy at all. It can be the hardest thing, because loving other people starts with loving ourselves and accepting ourselves. I know many of you have struggled with this. I draw upon your strength and your support, and have, in ways you will never know. 我今天會在這裡是因為我是同性戀,是因為……也許我能造成改變,能帶給其他人更輕鬆 、更有希望的時光,除此之外對我而言,我覺得自己有這份義務及社會責任。 I’m here today because I am gay. And because… maybe I can make a difference. To help others have an easier and more hopeful time. Regardless, for me, I feel a personal obligation and a social responsibility. 當然也有私人一點的原因,我實在厭倦了用隱藏、用省略的方式說謊了,我因為害怕出櫃 痛苦了很多年,心靈受傷、精神受創、感情也跟著受苦。今天我站出來、跟著大家、同在 受苦的這端。對,我很年輕,但我已經學到了愛,不論是美麗的一面、歡樂的一面、還有 ──沒錯──甚至痛苦的一面,是人類能給予、能接受的最美贈禮,我們理應完全的、平 等的體驗正份情,而不需羞愧、不用妥協。 I also do it selfishly, because I am tired of hiding and I am tired of lying by omission. I suffered for years because I was scared to be out. My spirit suffered, my mental health suffered and my relationships suffered. And I’m standing here today, with all of you, on the other side of all that pain. I am young, yes, but what I have learned is that love, the beauty of it, the joy of it and yes, even the pain of it, is the most incredible gift to give and to receive as a human being. And we deserve to experience love fully, equally, without shame and without compromise. 有太多的孩子受苦於霸凌、被拒絕於外,或只因自己的本質就遭受凌虐,太多人輟學、太 多人被虐、太多人無家可歸、太多人選擇自殺,你們可以改變,你們也正在改變這一切。 There are too many kids out there suffering from bullying, rejection, or simply being mistreated because of who they are. Too many dropouts. Too much abuse. Too many homeless. Too many suicides. You can change that and you are changing it. 但你們不需要我來告訴你們這些,這也是這演講有點詭異的原因,我能做的只是說好這五 分鐘的演講,謝謝你們,你們啟發了我,給了我希望,請為了像我這樣的人繼續改變世界 。 But you never needed me to tell you that. That’s why this was a little bit weird. The only thing I can really say is what I’ve been building up to for the past five minutes. Thank you. Thank for inspiring me. Thank you for giving me hope, and please keep changing the world for people like me. 大家情人節快樂,我愛你們。 Happy Valentine’s Day. I love you.

影片來源: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hlCE...
演說講稿(中英對照): http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/bi-sexual/M.139...

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