2014年5月9日 星期五

《可愛》台灣超萌「左左右右」上美國節目艾倫狄珍妮Taiwanese's Zony and Yony Meet Ellen

台灣雙胞胎左左右右上"Ellen DeGeneres Show"

Bucket List #117: Complete 100 days of dance 

Technically it was around 120 something days but 100 days sounds better. I had a GoPro camera set up on my cabinet and i just recorded myself doing the same dance routine every day. I wanted to do something along the lines of take a picture of myself everyday for a year but different. I eventually came up with the idea of 100 days of dance, I really didnt want to do this for a year so i thought 100 days seemed pretty good. The reason this was on the bucket list was because i thought it was a really cool, unique idea that i came up with and i wanted to make sure i saw it through, so i popped it on the bucket list to guarantee that i would complete it. Overall it was pretty fun dancing everyday and this was one of my more unique ideas and i'm pretty glad how it turned out.

左左右右萌翻美國 艾倫送去迪士尼


超萌雙胞胎姊妹「左左右右」因頭戴安全帽跳韓團Crayon Pop的《Bar Bar Bar》在網路暴紅,連美國知名脫口秀主持人艾倫狄珍妮也難抵擋她們的萌樣,邀請她們參加《艾倫狄珍妮秀》(The Ellen DeGeneres Show)錄影。


艾倫親切問她們長途飛行累不累?左右答:「好像坐雲霄飛車,很好玩。」艾倫隨後表示,很好奇要怎麼分辨左左右右?左右勤練的英文終於派上用場,左左說:「I am beautiful!」右右說:「I am cute!」全場笑翻。簡單訪問後,她們戴上招牌安全帽大跳《Bar Bar Bar》,萌翻天的表演,贏得觀眾歡呼。




