2014年10月29日 星期三


每天哭喊!2殺人鯨被關在狹小水族缸 恐已失聰發瘋




著名生物學家提斯杜克(Grigory Tsidulko)表示,殺人鯨需要的活動範圍很大,牠們一天可游達150公里,人工難以複製殺人鯨的天然居住環境,即使牠們日後能搬到較大的水族館,觀眾掌聲的迴音也足以令牠們失聰。由於根據俄國的法例,把動物安置在欠佳的環境不屬違法,故莫斯科警方已拒絕調查事件。


近日各國媒體紛紛報導被關在莫斯科的兩頭殺人鯨(虎鯨,orca killer whales),牠們因已經被關在一處狹小的水族缸裡10個月,每天不停「呼喊」到外頭的人都聽得到。專業人士警告,這樣侷限殺人鯨的生活空間已經使得牠們又聾又瘋。不少國外網友看了報導後,都很不捨地說 「他們根本沒得選擇,放牠們自由吧!」

據了解,這兩頭殺人鯨目前分別為7歲雌鯨(2.5噸重)及5歲雄鯨(5噸重),原本被安排搬進新水族館,沒想到因工程延遲到2015年,讓兩頭鯨被關在莫斯科一處名為「VDNKh exhibition center」的展覽中心裡將近一年的時間。根據動物保護團體(Vita animal rights group)指出,牠們的哭喊聲,都是因為被關在狹窄的空間裡。


‘Solitary confinement’: Two killer whales kept in cramped tanks in Moscow park

Published time: October 27, 2014 12:30
Edited time: October 27, 2014 13:05

image from www.vita.org.ru
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Two orca killer whales have been kept for 10 months in central Moscow in conditions animal rights activists claim render them deaf and mad.
The 7-year-old, 2.5-ton female Narnia and the 5-ton, 5-year-old male killer whale, have been kept in covered tanks at the VDNKh exhibition center for almost a year. They are destined for a new oceanarium slated for spring 2014, but delayed to 2015.
The whales’ tanks were described as “solitary confinement cells” by Irina Novozhilova Head of the Vita animal rights group who exposed the whales’ plight after an official info request to Moscow police and published footage showing water underneath the covered tanks.
Screenshot from Zvezda TV
Screenshot from Zvezda TV

The whales’ cries have been heard in the vicinity of the tanks for several months.
Moscow city police refused to launch a trial citing lenient laws on animal abuse which punish intentionally killing or seriously maiming, but not poor conditions.
The police report published by Vita group stated that animals are kept in ‘carefully maintained conditions, with filtered water and the diet of 12 species of fish and human access only by vets and trainers’.
Screenshot from Zvezda TV
Screenshot from Zvezda TV

The Vita group however, sought testimony from Russia’s animal rights elite.
“It’s the worst possible thing to think of… It’s like putting a human into a barrel with water and keeping him or her there for a long time. <…> It’s a crime, I think, to keep them in such conditions, it’s just animal abuse,” Aleksandr Burdin, director of the “FEROP – Russian orca” organization said in the Vita group’s statement.
Renowned biologist and director of the Russian branch of Antarctic Ocean Alliance Grigory Tsidulko stressed the fact that it is very difficult to create proper conditions for killer whales in captivity.
Screenshot from Zvezda TV
Screenshot from Zvezda TV

“Killer whales swim very long distances daily – up to 150 kilometers. <…> basically, you take a small child out of a family, transfer him or her God knows where and keep the child in a small cage,” he said.
As to their future lives in an oceanarium, applause and concrete pools resonate sound, almost deafening whales, Tsidulko added.
In a Monday statement VDNKh managment, appointed by Moscow's mayor in April, deny participating in the whale transfer.
Last month, Moscow Deputy Mayor Marat Khusnullin said that the killer whales were being kept in the Far East, after being seized from poachers, as quoted by Interfax news agency. Yet records showed the animals were flown in last December.

