2015年6月18日 星期四


少女患亞斯伯格症 好狗兒力阻主人自殘



國外一名患亞斯伯格症的少女雅各布斯(Danielle Jacobs),拍下自己情緒失控時自殘的情況,希望引起公眾對此病的關注。影片也拍到她的衷心狗狗,不斷保護她,防止她自殘。

據英國《都市報》報導,雅各布斯患有屬輕微自閉症的亞斯伯格症(Asperger Syndrome),在片段中邊哭邊捶胸擊頭,這時她的愛犬三頌(Samson)不忍主人自殘,走到雅各布斯身邊,奮力站起來阻止主人打自己。雅各布斯之後坐下,三頌不停親她安慰她。


This is what having aspergers is like. Please no negative comments this really happened and it's not easy to open myself and share what it's like on a daily basis. This is what's considered a meltdown. Yes Samson is alerting. I trained him to alert to depressive episodes and self harm not both but he alerted. It appears the response is late but it's actually supposed to be as I'm coming out of the meltdown as I tend to have a panic attack after.

