2015年12月24日 星期四


狗狗不敢相信被領養 反應超戲劇化


只見影片中叫Benny 的狗狗剛開始見到籠子被打開,還退縮到角落裡,因為牠不知道這刻是要面臨安樂死的殘酷命運,還是真讓牠盼到領養的奇蹟,後來在領養人一聲一聲溫柔呼喚下,才終於慢慢地靠近;而在被套上新狗繩跟著新主人走出禁錮已久的牢籠時,狗狗簡直是欣喜若狂,一路跳躍轉圈,興奮之情表露無疑。
對於Benny來說,迎接牠的無疑是Happy Ending,但還有無數動物收容所的狗狗可能就沒有像牠那麼幸運,也呼籲以結紮代替撲殺,以領養代替購買,既然養了,愛就是不離不棄,讓毛小孩能有個溫暖的家 (林明佳/綜合報導)

This special little guy captured the hearts of everyone who stopped by his kennel. He hit the jackpot when this beautiful family chose to take him home. Thanks for all you SHARING, checkout his FREEDOM WALK filled with lots of jumps and tail wagging! Happy life sweet BENNY heart 表情符號

PHOTO THREAD: https://www.facebook.com/savingcarsonshelterdogs/photos/a.172032662969376.1073741830.171850219654287/511316932374279/?type=3&theater

Jukin Media Verified (Original)
* For licensing / permission to use: Contact - licensing(at)jukinmediadotcom

This special little guy captured the hearts of everyone who stopped by his kennel. He hit the jackpot when this beautiful family chose to take him home. Thanks for all you SHARING, checkout his FREEDOM WALK filled with lots of jumps and tail wagging! Happy life sweet BENNY <3PHOTO THREAD: https://www.facebook.com/savingcarsonshelterdogs/photos/a.172032662969376.1073741830.171850219654287/511316932374279/?type=3&theaterJukin Media Verified (Original)* For licensing / permission to use: Contact - licensing(at)jukinmediadotcom
Saving Carson Shelter Dogs 貼上了 2015年12月10日

